Coldplay in Vancouver

By: Jon Jones

Coldplay Vancouver 2012

Saturday night in Vancouver can yield more than one entertainer and event to choose from, my last Saturday was won by the talented musicians from Coldplay.  Working in the entertainment industry I have come to realize there are two types of shows, a big budget experience show and an entertainer-focused, no-gimmick show. I usually lean towards a smaller more intimate experience show that has quality sound, seating and atmosphere with a performer that is there to entertain. But it seems to me that big budget shows with little door gifts and flashing hypnotic lights tend to bring in an immense audience.

Why is this? Are people more entertained by a big budget concert experience than they are with quality vocals and on-stage presents?

We all have been to those concerts that blow your ears with overly loud droning music with flashing lights and smoke machines, are they really what a live show is all about? On the other hand there are those simple shows that really don’t have that same wow factor. So my question is when is ‘flash’ and ‘swagger’ too much?

From my seat at Roger Arena

Back to the Coldplay show. It had everything; Yes to the wrist band that would light up and pulse to the beat of the music, Yes to the smoke machine, a secret stage in the crowd, cannons shooting paper cut-outs, lasers and a center-stage layout that would pop out a new instrument on a bi-song basis. It was big-budget show that’s for sure.

On the other hand, after the third song Chris Martin and lead guitarist Jonny Buckland stepped up and played a couple of songs that didn’t have the flash of the previous ones, it was a more intimate experience that showed a respectable performer that wasn’t consumed in showing off with back up dancers, strobe lights and bass that shakes your insides. If it wasn’t for the poor sound quality at Rogers Arena I wouldn’t have felt like I was one of the 20,000 crammed into that arena.

It was a performance that merited the best of both worlds, all the flash and swagger to attract the masses and the intimate quality material that makes Coldplay more than just a trending band.

Coldplay’s tour continues through California this weekend; get your tickets to the remaining Mylo Xyloto tour dates with We are never sold out!