Clinton reviews Jack White in concert

By Clinton

The Jack White concert in Vancouver was – in a word – awesome! Jack alternates his backing bands between the all-female group The Peacocks and all-male set Los Buzzardos. We got the girls tonight, and they absolutely rocked the house. Jack played off the cuff, with no pre-determined set list, and it was cool to see the band take his cues seamlessly. There was great anticipation for this show and he delivered in full, playing selections from his new and old catalog.

I managed to take a few snapshots of Jack in his sharp baby-blue suit, alongside The Peacocks:

This was definitely the best concert I’ve been to  a long time, and ranks among my top music experiences ever. If you get a chance to see him on tour in the future or were on the fence about getting his new album, I wholeheartedly suggest you check it out!

Jack White is just one of many sweet concerts that’ll be hitting up Vancouver and cities near you this summer; what concerts are on your list this year? Be sure to check with us if you need tickets to any event!