Korean Adele… better than Regular Adele?

The Brit singer-songwriter, famed for her incredible vocal chops, curves, and retro-mod aesthetic, has been taking time off her sold-out tour to get vocal surgery and recuperate. That’s left her fans Adele-less, but for those looking to roll in the deep again, there are few options. Until now.

Meet Korean superstar karaoke contestant Park Jimin, seen here doing a surprisingly Adele-like version of “Rolling in the Deep.” She’s adorable (that sweater!!), but she’s also really, really talented.

One of the best parts of the video: the death-glares coming from the other contestants, which need no translation.

Meanwhile, Regular Adele recuperates from surgery and prepares to pick up a Grammy or two – she’s nominated for six. For up-to-the-minute info on when she schedules her new tour dates, stay tuned – we’ll be posting an announcement via our twitter.

So, who did the song better… Park Jimin or Adele? Let us know in the comments section below!